Proposed Constitutional Changes
The 2017/2018 Board of Directors of Players is proposing 8 amendments to our 2017 Constitution. These proposed amendments are being shared with all Members now, and will be reviewed and discussed in detail at our 2018 Annual General Meeting. Following the discussion, Active Members will vote on each amendment individually, either in person or by proxy, leading to the ratification or rejection of the proposed amendments.
4 of the amendments are minor or moderate in nature and are typically small clarifications or housekeeping in nature.
4 of the amendments are major in nature. They revise one of our guiding principals; add limits to our definition of Active Members; revise the voting rights of the President during Board meetings; and codify the role of the AD in terms of how they're hired as well as their role, responsibilities and limitations .
Below are the current and proposed Constitutions, and a detailed list of the amendments.