2017/2018 Season
Sketch Troupe Fall Tour: Magical Mystery Tour Bus
September 27-29, 2018
Our 2017 Tour was such a massive success and so much fun that we're intent on touring again this season, this year with Peterborough as an added location!
AVENGERDALE: Age of Archie - Summer Show
6 performances - Tickets on Sale April 16th!
June 7-9, 14-16, 2018 @ Tranzac
Little did our super heroic teachers or our needlessly gritty comic book peers know that their education, friendships, and sex lives would never be the same again as they were all about to embark on a new adventure facing a red-lipped threat that would kickstart a new age at their humble school.
AVENGERDALE: Age of Archie - Summer Show
Saturday March 24th, 2018
Sign up now to audition for our summer show!
PLAYERS Open House
Join us for a beer and to learn why Players is the best!
Tuesday March 20th, 2018 @ 8pm - Fox & Fiddle (Church and Wellesley)
If you've never seen a Players show, or would like to know more about how we work, this is the event for you! If you're a grizzled veteran of Players, and want to help welcome interested new comers, this is also the event for you!
St. PLAYERS Day - Sketch Troupe Show
March 17, 2018, 7:30pm - The Social Capital Theatre
Join us for a special show on St. Patrick's Day - it's all the hilarity you love and expect from Players combined with all the traditions and fun you'd find on St. Patrick's Day - what could be better?
AVENGERDALE: Age of Archie - Summer Show
Due January 22nd 2018 - Application window open now.
This is your chance to get involved in the production of our next full scale Players show! Be it director, producer, or stage manager, we’re looking for dedicated & talented people to put their stamp on what will no doubt be an amazing show - if that’s you, please apply!
PLAYERS Sketch Troupe
Due January 15th 2018 - Application window open now.
This is your chance to get involved in a lower impact Players experience! We're looking for dedicated and talented people to create, rehearse and occasionally present sketch comedy with a distinct Players feel - if that's you, please consider applying!
Summer Show
Script & Script Writer applications
Due January 8th 2018 - Application window open now.
This is your chance to get involved as the writer of our next full scale Players show! We’re looking for dedicated and talented people to put their stamp on the script for our next production - if that’s you, please consider applying!
NOTE: There will be a slightly different submission/selection process this year, click here.
December 8, 2017 - The Social Capital Theatre 7pm & 9pm
Deck the halls with us this holiday season as we bring back the Players Holiday Revue!
Auditions - October 15th, 6pm-10pm
Auditions will take place in October with rehearsals twice a week thereafter
Production Team Applications - Due September 15th
Production Team applications are due Sept 15th, 2016 @ 9am