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It's like Anchorman in prison, except... well... no that's exactly what it is

Cast, Crew & Band


June 5-7 & 12-14 2014 • the Tranzac 292 Brunswick Avenue

Summer 2014


Show Description

Ron Burgundy and the Channel 4 News Team are back on the Toronto news scene. Only one problem, hobnobbing with Rob Ford and Justin Trudeau has its risks and they get caught smoking the pot by the po-po. With Harper's 'tough on crime' agenda, this minor offence lands them in the slammer. What's more... Harper budget cuts and his fear of a Canadian 'Pussy Riot' have led to the world’s first co-ed kind-of-like-res-but-in-lockdown federal prison. There, they meet the women from The Orange is the New Black and learn what it really means to 'drop the moisturizer'. Will they discover the extent of Warden Harper's plan before it threatens the lives of every clean air loving, green party voting, marijuana smoking, left-leaning pinko in Canada? Tune in to the Prison News to find out.



The Production Team

Asta Augaitis - Head Choreographer

Ben Birchard - Board Liaison & Choreography

Brian Russell - Director

Dan MacKay - Choreography

Derek Zwiep - Musical Director

Don Duval - Choreography

Eila Mcleish Summers - ASM

Felicity Barons - 50/50

Freyah Durand - Vocal Director

Graeme Drinkwalter - Sponsorship Coordinator

Henry Cheung - Graphics

Jackie Andrade - Intro Video Videographer

Jess Levy - Choreography

John Campbell - Sound

Kristian Bruun - Choreography

Laura Hopkins - Associate Producer

Laura Moniz - Stage Manager

Lauren Thomson - Choreography

Leila Bannister - ASM

Michael Payne - Writer 

Nicki Gallo - Choreography

Nicole Dunn - Choreography

Paul Levia - Associate Writer

Peter Higgins - Producer & Lighting

Phil Moniz - Intro Video Editor

Shannon Mulligan - Choreography

Shira Taylor - Choreography

Tim Suthervans - Associate Writer

Veronica Bart - Choreography

The Players

Aimee Collins

Alison Blair  

Andrew Kelly

Candice Gilliam

Josh Murray 

Matty Burns

Meg “Doug” Mack

Megan O’Kelly

Merritt Crews 

Steven Suepaul


The Band

Ben Wright - Guitar

Dan Simmons - Guitar

David Finkelstein - Stunt Guitar

Derek Zwiep - Drums

Graham Smith - Bass

Freyah Durand - Flute

Tim O'Reilly - Keys

Written by Michael Payne with help from Paul Levia & Tim Suthervans

Directed by Brian Russell
Music and Vocals by Derek Zwiep and Freyah Durand

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