Cast, Crew & Band

Summer 2011
Show Description
What do you get when you mash-up TV Sensation The Office and Star Wars spoof Spaceballs?
The Office Spaceballs!
Mayor Ford and his evil henchman Dark Helmet will stop at nothing to achieve supreme emperor power of the Universe of Toronto. Ford and Helmet plan to take control over the Rogers Media Empire through a crazy vaccine called B.A.L.S. Michael Scott and the staff of Dunder Mifflin are caught up in the mayhem (because they’re now running Rogers) and Pam and Jim are thwarted in their wedding plans by the power hungry Ford. Little do they know that it is their destiny to use the Schwartz to confront Ford and Dark Helmet and save the day and the people of Toronto!
The Players
Alexander Reed Whitlow
Andrew Kelly
Ava Himmel
Brian Russell
Danielle Meierhenry
Kristin Rodgerson
Leila Bannister
Matt Burns
Matthew Payne
Tracey Beltrano
The Band
Anthony Rinaldi - Baritone Sax
Ben Birchard - Rhythm Guitar
Chip Snider - Alto Sax
David Wencer - Keyboard
Derek Zwiep - Drums
Don Duval - Rhythm Guitar
Graeme Drinkwalter - Trumpet
Graham Smith - Bass
Ilena Culleton - Baritone Sax
Paul Hopson - Guitar
Robin Jessome - Trombone
The Production Team
Adam Harendorf - Sound Operator
Aimee Collings - Choreo
Aimee Roy - Sponsorship
Alessandra Bennett - Costumes
Alli Etherington - Choreo
Ben Birchard - Writer/Choreo
Candice Gilliam - Choreo
Carolyn Hicks - Stage Manager
Chris Peressotti - Director
Darcy Montgomery - Graphic Design
Fraser McDonald - Video/Tech
Graeme Drinkwalter - Musical Director
Henry Cheung - Assistant Stage Manager
Ilena Culleton - Musical Director
Morgan Joy - Choreo
Nicole Dunn - Choreo
Kelly Payne - Tech Stuff
Kris Bruun - Writer/Choreo
Kristin Whitfield - Choreo
Megan McCarthy - Producer
Peter Higgins - Associate Producer
Shannon Mitchell - Choreo
Shira Taylor - Choreo
Tim Suthervans - Writer/Video

Written by Tim Suthervans, Kristian Bruun and Ben Birchard
Directed by Chris Peressotti
Music and Vocals by Graeme Drinkwalter and Ilena Culleton