Cast, Crew & Band

Summer 2007
Show Description
Desperate to save Vincent Chase’s flailing career, the cast of Entourage head to Hollywood North to film Passion of the Christ 2: Resurrection Boogaloo. Starring opposite him is the darling of rehab, Lindsay Lohan, whose erratic behaviour leads to an accident on set and a trip to the ER. That’s where we find the cast of Grey’s Anatomy, working under the OHIP regime as part of a Doctors Sans Borders component of their internship.
Long ER waiting times, bizarre love triangles, blasphemy and botched brain surgery lead to a night of hilarity, song and of course, drinking.
The Players
Ashley Callaghan - Dr. Izzie Stevens
Candice Gilliam - Dr. Cristina Yang
Chris Peressotti - Dr. Derek "McDreamy" Sheppard
Danielle Meierhenry - Lindsay Lohan
Jim Vlahos - Vincent Chase
Josh Weale - Jonny "Drama" Chase
Laura Barr - Dr. Meredith Grey
Mark Raheja - Ari Gold
Natasha Boomer - Dr Miranda "The Nazi" Bailey
Tim Evans - Turtle
The Band
Dan ‘Banger’ MacKay – Bass
Don Duval – Guitar
Frank Cipolla – Drums and Percussion
Graeme Drinkwalter – Trumpet
Jamie Lamb – Keys
Marc Siversky – Drums and Percussion
The Production Team
Chris Engel - Choreography
Eleri Evans - Choreography
Felicity Alexander - Director
Fiona Stevenson - Producer
Jamie Lamb - Musical Director
Jim Vlahos - Writer
Kelly Payne - Lights and Technical
Lyranda Martin-Evans - Producer & Writer
Victoria Martin-Evans - Stage Manager
Peter Higgins - Intro Video
Taya Van Watershoot - Choreography
Written by Jim Vlahos and Lyranda Martin-Evans
Directed by Felicity Alexander
Music and Vocals by Jamie Lamb