Cast, Crew & Band
7 & 9pm on Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Comedy Bar 2800 Danforth Ave
Doors Open 30 mins prior to shows • Buy for either show - or BOTH • This is a 19+ event • All sales final
A limited number of walk-up tickets will be available.
Winter 2023
Show Description
"These Fungi! They're trying to kill me!"
In a post-apocalyptic zombie-infested world, a group of survivors seek the antidote at its last known location: the luxury resort "White Lotus: Greater Toronto Area". Shortly after they arrive they discover the doctor responsible for the cure has been murdered and the antidote stolen. As resources dwindle and the fungi face monsters close in, the guests must learn to work together to solve the case and save the world.
The Band
Ben Birchard - Guitar & Percussion
Jamie Lamb - Keys & Synth
Matty Burns - Percussion & Keys
The Players
Dave Miller
Julia Fulton
Meg Mack
Mike Jankovich
Stephanie Adams
Wellesley Robertson III
The Production Team
Columbia Roy - ASM/Props
Jamie Lamb - Music Director
Lisa Kileeg - Producer
Nick Wakeham - Head Writer
Peter Higgins - Website
Phil Fernandez - Director
Written by Nick Wakeham
Directed by Phil Fernandez
Music and Vocals by Jamie Lamb